Getting acclimated to a new website is never easy. I originally referred to this period in the LM subreddit as beta testing, and it largely is. Most of the Early Adopters Group now using this community while it is closed to public registration came from Cakewalk Forums. Knowing that has been, and continues to be, invaluable to the design and development of this site. Of course, this site has a different design, a different forum platform, a different (and superior) messaging platform and notification system, and adds a social media wall platform — all of which entail change for users. While much of this can be seen as advances or enhancements from Cakewalk Deals Forums, it’s still change, nontheless. And making that period of adjustment easier is one of the greatest challenges for getting any new community off the ground.
I’ve been learning about how you react and behave in this environment and am trying to make the site reflect what works best for our community within the technology and budget constraints I have, But with creativity, experience leading websites, communities, and social media at global brands, and establishing and leading online communities on my own, the benefit of open source platforms greatly reducing the costs, combined with our passion, spirit, and energy, I’m confident that we can make this community a very special place. It may not have the exact functionality of other forums, but it has the major functionality and a lot more on top of that — features that none of the popular music-related forums have. We just need to get acclimated to it and start enjoying it. So let’s get started.
Most of us were avid users of the Cakewalk Deals subform, drawn in by cclarry’s prolific deals posts. Most of us rarely ventured beyond that subforum, but those who did tended to go to two different places: the Coffee House and the Songs Forums. Most often, we returned to the Deals subforum page directly, either through our browser remembering the page or a bookmark; not by entering from the Cakewalk Forums home page as we now do with LinkedMusicians. That sounds like a small detail, but it’s significant from a user experience standpoint and it’s caused me to think about how to make LM have a better user experience for those users accustomed to focusing primarily on the Cakewalk Deals page. Of course, one approach is to tell everyone to start bookmarking the LM Deals Forum, which I did, but such recommendations are rarely enough to change behavior. The LM Deals Forum is much deeper than Cakewalk Deals subforum. We break down deals into software, physical musical instruments / hardware, non-music related items (e.g., video editing, games, etc.), and services. Our beloved Deals Guru cclarry and I discussed all of this before I created the site and we both agreed that a better taxonomy would make for a far superior user experience than what exists at Cakewalk Forum — which reflects the company agreeing to bolt a Deals subforum unto their Coffee House at Larry’s request years ago. This is also reflected in the Deals subforum being completely invisible on the Cakewalk Forums home page — it’s literally not there or even referenced there.
Here are some of the major changes I’ve made to the site to make it easier for former Cakewalk Forums members:
Cakewalk Forums Home Page with no mention of a Deals subforum. It’s invisible.
If you clicked on the Coffee House, congratulations, you’re either clairvoyant or you’ve been here before and know the drill. Either way, this isn’t a great testimony to BandLab’s user experience design talents. More than anything, it conveys how unimportant the Deals community is to the brand.